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What if life was just a game?

The School of Life Secrets :
The book that will really transform your life !

From the moment you will open this book, you will be admitted at the School Life Secrets.
You will find out,  through the pages telling the extraordinary story of Chloe,  the existence of the world of energy that surrounds us and the essential rules to know  to move forward easily in life.
You will come out  of this adventure transformed and, with  all the cards in hand to make life a masterpiece.
To discover from 10 years old, to share with your children and to spread with your loved ones.

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Accueil: Bienvenue

The rules finally revealed to the youngest!

7 letters to transform your  life

Good morning!

My name is Chloe  and quite an adventure happened to me  !

One day when I got home from school, I  found  an envelope  with my  name on it in my  mailbox and I started to exchange regularly  with  a  mysterious and enigmatic correspondent  who made me achieve many missions.


His name is Jay. He  initiated  me for months to the world of energy as well as the law of cause and effect,  and gave me  valuable advice and tools to help me become  more efficient, useful and happy.


Since then, I am trying to become a better person every day.

I can play the Game of Life wisely because I know the rules.


You can also discover them!

You just have to dive with me in the adventure!

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Why is this book different?

While personal development and positive education books are on all the shelves, this novel differs because it addresses two fundamental aspects of our existence: the world of energy and the immutable laws of nature.


No matter what they read or practice, most people are unable to find lasting solutions to their problems. The reason is  that they totally ignore these two aspects that govern our lives.


Following in the footsteps of Chloe and her mysterious correspondence, the story provides an educational guide for the reader to understand his or her existence and how to make changes for a better future.


The vocation of this book is to introduce young readers as well as their parents to the world of energy and the immuable laws of nature so that they are inspired to do good, transform their lives into inspiring leaders and participate in the creation of a better world.


Although this is a fiction, all the steps that Chloe takes have been imagined so that everyone realizes that he or she is the main actor of its own reality and future.


All the bonuses have been created for you and will allow you to fully live the adventure with Chloé.


We can create an extraordinary life for ourselves, express our unlimited potential and thus contribute positively to the world.


Are you ready to find out how?

Immersed in an epic adventure,
precious secrets will be revealed to you  :

â—† The  mysteries of the energy world

â—† The power of words, thoughts and actions

â—† How to create a protective cloak

â—† What the aura, bodies and energy centers are

â—† The Golden Rule

â—† Why is it essential to forgive

â—† The law of cause and effect

â—† Cleanse your energy body and your environment

â—† How to control your thoughts

â—† How to manifest anything your want in your life

â—† How to achieve your goals

â—† The Super Brain technique

â—† The power of gratitude

â—† The power of giving

â—† The power of kindness

â—† The power of water

â—† Powerful breathing techniques

â—† Traps  to avoid

â—† The Trampoline

Tutorat en mathématiques

Improve your academic performance

Build a
happy future



Yoga Grossesse

Improve your relationships and your health

Danser dans le parc
Eaux brumeuses

Ready to embark?

Get your copy now!

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